Let's Address Some Life Questions Tonight

If you follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or in person (that last one has some very limited contexts in which it would not be creepy), you already know that the past few weeks have been packed. My schedule has been crazy and will continue to be that way for the rest of the semester (the rest of the year, actually), but I've also had plenty of things on my mental plate. I'm not at the liberty to explain some of the issues that have been plaguing my brain, but I do want to mention a couple.

Issue #1: Justine is attending a liberal arts school for writing and wants to continue that, but she is unsure of how that fits with her passions for camp ministry and film making/editing.
Yup. I love the personal essay, editing pretty much anything, and story telling. However, I do not love journalism, which I am minoring in at the moment. I have never enjoyed writing fiction enough to make a living on it--just kidding, I couldn't make a living on it regardless--so that is out the window. My main passions are serving others through camp ministry (but primarily the behind-the-scenes of camp ministry) and the entire process of making movies. Those two could easily fit together, but they are far too specific to expect an actual job in that field right now.

Issue #2: Justine has zero interest in writing for her school newspaper, and she wants to move on from Cardboard after this semester. 
This may sound like an easy solution, but there are a lot of things hanging on what I choose to do about Cardboard magazine. I have lost my love, if I have to be blunt with you. Serving as a writer and now as the head editor has taught me so much about journalism, responsibility, and writing (not to mention how to write a really professional email when I have no idea what I am talking about), but the time has come to move forward. I am already a writing tutor and am currently in the process of figuring out a second job. I am on Student Activities Council and I love that. Behind the scenes work is my favorite. We shall see where God takes me.

In summary, I don't know what I am doing with my life. The likelihood that the topic of my persuasive speech in Public Speaking will be something connected to Tourette's is more sure than anything right now, and that terrifies me. I'll let you know where that goes, but for now...life is just flying everywhere and I am trying to hold on to the only Anchor that can hold me.

With that in mind, this is the song that became the soundtrack of my summer as well as the inspiration for pretty much all of my lame artwork that I have produced on my hand and notebooks for the past five months. So if you have seen me walking around with an anchor drawn on my hand with the word "LOVE" under it...this is why.


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