Where I've been...and a new season.

I tried to write here. Many times.

It isn't like I have been short on words. Quite the opposite, actually. If you were to ask anyone who has been around me in the last month and a week, they'd probably say I haven't stopped saying words for long enough. Ha...that's a jab at myself but also maybe a bit of an apology to those lovely, patient people.

See, I spent the first nine months of 2019 practicing vulnerability and honesty on this platform, and I learned so much about my own capabilities as a writer through that process. Even more importantly, I found the people in my life who could be trusted to listen and walk with me during this process. Let me tell you, every writing endeavor this year has been a stepping stone in my journey of learning who Jesus wants me to be. My silence here over the past month and a week does not, by any means, equal a halt to my forward progress in that journey.

I simply shifted my focus from writing to actual conversations. A terrifying decision, especially for someone who feels safe standing behind written words, but I am at peace with where I ended up as a result. No, let me be more definitive; I feel closer to Jesus as a result of where I ended up after starting those conversations.

This blog isn't done, not by a long shot. It is, however, slowing down for longer than I planned at the beginning of September when I found myself unable to write anything here. For the time being, I need to continue those face to face conversations and practice a balance of boldness and discretion.

The start of fall marked a new metaphorical season in my life, one that is full of new beginnings and increased vulnerability on a smaller scale. Jesus has only just begun to show me how He wants me to speak and act. I've never been so excited to learn what is next. A good part of that learning process is a private journey, but I do have a couple things to say now.

Look for ways to listen better, to really take in other people's stories and experiences. Doing so has made me a more compassionate person. If an experience seems not to match up with your view of how the world should be, ask questions rather than dismissing that person's story. I know that may seem like a no-brainer, but it often doesn't happen when it should.

Take an extended moment to ask who Jesus loves unconditionally. If you find some people not on your list...why is that? Can you reconcile those missing people with your understanding of our calling as followers of Jesus to love our neighbor? Asking myself this question changed my life...and definitely shifted my priorities when it comes to loving people.

That's all I've got for now. I don't know when I'll be back here...but thank you for listening this year. I wouldn't be where I am currently without knowing I was safe to take some chances.

Love ya, babes. 💜


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