Even when I drag by the knees.

I am always learning more about myself.

Funny how that works. I think I know all I that I need to know about my current situation, and then something happens or someone says something that grabs me by my hoodie sweatshirt and reels me back in where I should be. Usually God simply plucks me off the ground and sets me down, but other times He allows me to drag my knees on the gravel first.

The problem with letting my knees drag along for a while is that I don't have the sense to stand up and walk beside Him. I've mentioned how I want to run with Him forever, but often I forget to walk for a time. It's pretty dumb of me, I know, but it still happens.

The crazy thing is that He always sends me someone to help bandage my battered knees. No matter how bloody and bruised my body becomes, God has never failed to point me in the direction of a person or a group of people who will hold me when I am sprawled face-first on the ground.

I let myself walk the rocky part of the path barefoot this week. Actually, I think I left my shoes at home and headed out. That was my first mistake. But what hurt me far more was the moment when I tripped and didn't have the sense to stand up again before sliding down the hill. I tumbled and smacked the bottom of the slope with the force of a broken, life-sized doll. Whups.

The beautiful part is that, like every other time, God sent me someone...some people to bandage me up. First someone to hold me when I first let myself fall, then several to hug me during encounters in the cafeteria and the dorm, and finally one very specific person to stay up and listen to me until 3 in the morning.

So I shall continue to learn. And I shall continue to stand back up again.


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