Encouragements and Awkwardness

Woo, what a crazy week it has been! Two of my cousins came to visit on Saturday and spent the night here. All four of us slept (not much) in Ella's room; I enjoyed the whole thing immensely. But I'm getting ahead of myself here.
Since I last posted, my spiritual life has been rather lukewarm. Well, unless you count how much I've been praying for random people. That has been grand. But other than that, I have simply been lazy about most aspects of my walk with Christ. Yes, I am admitting that publicly because confession is the first step to fixing the problem! The one exception has been the praise and worship times that I have been able to participate in this week--notably Sunday night.
I am not going to tell you about what I did this weekend with my cousins and Ella. Instead, I want to touch on a new thing that I have been doing the past week or so. A girl from another wing on my hall has been having a rough time lately and prayer didn't feel like enough to encourage her. So I started posting a video on her Facebook wall every day and occasionally adding another one if I found a good video later. I am really enjoying the encouragement that I can bring--plus it makes me feel happier too. :)
Friendships on my wing have continued to grow; we have figured out some of our schedules enough to eat together for both lunch and supper at least three times a week. About half of our wing plus a couple adopted members eat together as often as we can...I love eating with people I care about!
On that subject, I have to touch on my awesome neighbors, Kali and Samantha. Last night at supper, the three of us were the only ones eating in the caf. This is a pretty rare occurrence considering that we normally have about eight or nine people at supper. At first we didn't talk much because none of us could think of anything to say that the other two hadn't already heard. We searched through possible topics for a little while and ate in silence for about ten minutes. Finally, we came up with something that kept our interest and ran with it. Before we knew it, our conversation had gone downhill from vegetable gardens to open casket funerals. I won't attempt to explain the connection because it took us quite a while to trace the origin of that subject. :)
My point in mentioning that story is this: only here could I have that type of conversation with two other girls and then walk out of the room laughing about my strange conversation-starters. Believe me...all of our weird conversations begin from one of two things: either I say something awkward or Kali hears something that I say differently than I meant it. So basically--it's me. :P
Yes, this week has been interesting. I love my Steggy family...and I love being here. :)


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