Don't Ever Press the Brake
Sometimes I feel as if I am coasting. In fact, that is the exact terminology that I used when I was talking with someone recently about my life is going. I am no longer aching every second, nor am I longing to fix things instantly. As Aunt Julie once told me, "God is the Great Healer." Oh, don't I know it.
I can't believe I only have a little over a month left of my freshman year. I suppose I may as well face that now, since it is coming closer with every day. It has taken all semester, but I think I am finally accustomed to having my own room without the constant loneliness. Nonetheless, having a roommate next year will be very, very nice. :) If you combine that with the fact that my brother will be here next year, sophomore year sounds really exciting!
I just finished the first rough copy of my biggest story yet. The first issue of Cardboard magazine is coming out in less than a month, which I am super pumped about. My name will be in the table of contents at least twice, which is more than I ever imagined happening at age 19. Looks like all of those short stories that I wrote in jr. high and high school are finally getting me somewhere.
I said at the beginning of this post that I feel as if I am coasting. Well I do, despite all of the wonderful things that I just listed. I want to speak out passionately of my love for Jesus and about what He has done and will do in my life. I want to encourage other people to love Jesus and love other people with everything they are. I feel as if I am not working very hard at this. My concern is that, in coasting along, I may eventually roll to a halt for a time.
I don't want that to happen.
I don't ever want to press the brake pedal for any reason.
The moment that I stop even once is the moment that I am no longer showing Jesus through my actions.
Faith without works is dead...I don't want mine to look like roadkill.
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