Oh wow!

I am so weary. Don't get me wrong...I am overjoyed at my renewed friendship with Victoria and my breakthrough emotionally. But I have just figured out something that has caused one problem to resurface.
For the past two and a half years, I have had off-and-on bouts of terrifying nightmares. My parents wouldn't let me go to counseling (my Dad believes in working everything out as a family!), and after about a year, I threw my hands up in the air and said "Fine! Be that way!" Since then, I have resigned myself to this...often I have had rather bitter sentiments, unfortunately.
Then I heard a tidbit of information involving my early childhood. When I was little, apparently I had bad dreams when I got overheated. I know...sounds like I was a car or something. But when I heard that, my heart sort of leaped and sank at the same time. What if...but no, I had worked too hard and long to find this out!
In spite of the shock, I did think and pray on it. I am now fairly convinced (by recent experiences) that I AM getting overheated and having nightmares because of it. Just last night, I had an especially restless sleep. When I woke up, my face was hot and I was sweating. Wonderful. I wasted nearly three years trying to convince my parents that I needed counseling for overheating! Ah, revelations can be so bittersweet. Sigh...
And that concludes the story of why I am so very weary. I wore myself out for a foolish reason and caused my parents extra pain. Lovely.
Here's a lesson: be SURE that it is of God before you throw yourself into it!


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