The theme of this one is Time.

So today is the second day of 3rd and 4th grade camp. Only one more week after this; trying not to think about that. I'm back on the farm again, which is such a relief. I had missed it more than I could have expected.
As of right now, I have done four rotations of activities so far. In less than an hour, I'll do my fifth one (we have three today) and then I will be finished for the day. What is different about this week is that we have nearly thirty junior staff rather than fifteen, so they have taken over most of the daily chores. Most of the activity staff love this plan, but it has been really difficult for me to accept.
See, my favorite way to show love to people is through acts of service. With all of the chores being covered by other people, I have been feeling rather helpless. I try to jump in where I can, but it's been rough.
I want to love this different set up...I really do. But it's been a difficult adjustment to go from working all the time to having only a few responsibilities. I also don't want to I'm to cap it off with that.
Some of us did a prayer walk during training on Sunday afternoon. It was the best idea for training that anyone has had all summer. After we had walked the camp, I sat by the zip line alone and simply prayed and cried out to God. I craved healing for myself, but healing for the staff as a whole was even more of what I ached to see. I quite literally cried out to Jesus as well, which I probably needed pretty bad.
I got up at 5:30 yesterday morning. I rarely do that anymore, but I needed to do laundry and I decided to read my Bible while I still had silence as my company. By the grace of God, I stumbled upon 1 Peter 4:8, which says. "Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins." After a week like we had just experienced, that verse knocked me flat. Jesus knew what I needed to hear.
Before the campers came, I wandered away from the main group and sat out by the zip line for a while. It had been a mostly restful weekend, but Monday morning was pretty hard on me emotionally. I knew that if I didn't spend time with Jesus, I would be a wreck for the entire day. The highlight of that time was getting to be still. If I haven't talked to you about how great being still is, then we need to have a conversation about it sometime. It's fantastic--and that's coming from a kid with Tourette's.
I haven't gotten time with Jesus today, which is my fault. I chose to sleep in, and then activities started a half an hour late. No harm, no foul if I do indeed spend time with Him later, though. I've found that spontaneous Jesus bonding every once in a while is a great choice.
God loves me, and God's love is enough.


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