You Live and Learn

Well, this week I learned something the hard way. For months, I told myself that the choice I had made was a good one...but at midnight last night, I finally came to terms with it. I had made a big mistake. No, nothing life-threatening. But as I lay in bed, I mentally kicked myself for what I HADN'T done.
We've all done it. After acknowledging our mistake, we normally feel perfectly awful. I know I did. But, instead of moping, I literally got on my knees. After confessing that I was feeling dreadful and that I should have known better, I simply prayed what I always pray: "Please, help me sleep."
I guess you could say that I felt somewhat comforted. I still hate my mistake, but I can live with it now.
So, this week, do what I had to do last night. Acknowledge your wrong. I can't guarantee instant healing, but perhaps you'll have a little more peace than you had before.
Oh, and here's a verse that, I promise, has EVERYTHING to do with my situation. "Obey your leaders, and submit to them; for they keep watch over your souls, as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not grief, for this would be unprofitable for you." Hebrews 13:17
Have an awesome week.


  1. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! I love your writing when it comes straight from the heart. I love how transparent you are and that you don't shrink back from truth.

    So glad you started this blog! I will add it to my 'blog-roll' and check in with you!

    Love you!!!!!!

  2. Aw, thank you!! It feels good when someone takes my writing SERIOUSLY!
    Love you too!


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